The cooperative sector in the regions of Alhoceima, Taza, Taounate, and Guercif has experienced significant growth in terms of both quantity and quality, mirroring the progress seen in other provinces of the Kingdom. This expansion is evident through various indicators. In particular, the number of cooperatives established by young graduates has witnessed a remarkable increase, a result of collaborative programs with various partners, notably the Youth Platform under the framework of the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH) and the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Skills (ANAPEC). Furthermore, women’s cooperatives have also seen a notable rise, currently representing more than 30% of the entire cooperative sector in the Alhoceima province, primarily engaged in the field of craftsmanship.

Another pivotal factor influencing the evolution of the cooperative sector in the region is the regulation of activities related to cannabis. Until the end of September 2023, the delegation has issued more than 150 approval certificates for the establishment of cooperatives specializing in cannabis.


Creation of Cannabis Cooperatives in the Province of Al Hoceima

As part of the implementation of the national program for regulating activities related to cannabis cultivation within the province of Alhoceima, a concerted effort has been undertaken in collaboration with the National Agency for the Regulation of Activities Related to Cannabis (ANRAC) and local authorities. These efforts have led to the organization of several communication and awareness days for approximately 500 farmers from 16 rural municipalities engaged in this agricultural activity. The central objective of this ongoing initiative is to raise awareness among this target population about the importance and benefits of organizing themselves into cooperatives, a suitable legal form to conduct their activities and improve their economic and social conditions.

This extensive awareness campaign has yielded several significant outcomes. Firstly, it successfully convinced the beneficiaries of the importance of creating cooperatives. Furthermore, this has led to the establishment of cooperatives dedicated specifically to the production of cannabis, as well as other cooperatives focused solely on the processing and valorization of these crops. Lastly, this initiative expedited the process of cooperative formation, aiming to obtain ANRAC approvals in the shortest possible time. To this end, the Office of Cooperation Development (ODCO) delegation took the initiative to issue approval certificates for the cooperative names and specific bylaws for cannabis production-related cooperatives on the spot. This approach is intended to facilitate and support the regularization of these activities within the province of Alhoceima.


FLOWER Project: A Key to Improving the Situation of Women in Rural Areas

The project “FLOWER” (Fostering Local Market Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment and Resilience), funded by the Union for the Mediterranean and implemented by the Es.Maroc association in collaboration with partners such as the Office of Cooperation Development (ODCO), aims to strengthen the socio-economic empowerment and resilience of women working in rural areas. It encourages them to adopt more inclusive and sustainable economic models. The province of Al-Hoceima was selected for this project due to the economic repercussions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly affecting women who lost their jobs overnight.

The purpose of this project is to mitigate the impact of the pandemic by implementing various activities, with the first step being to identify the needs of women in order to establish a specific action plan. It was observed that organized groups in cooperatives were more resilient to the crisis. Consequently, it was decided to organize women into cooperatives and strengthen existing ones (33 women’s cooperatives) through targeted training. To expand access to training for a larger number of women, an online learning platform was created to enhance their skills in management, governance, financial education, and more. Additionally, a guide on good hygiene practices was developed in both French and Arabic. This initiative aims to support rural women in their journey toward greater economic autonomy and resilience.

Successful cooperative models

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Art and Design Cooperative – COPITADAL – Hoceima

In recent years, the province of Al Hoceima has witnessed the proliferation of numerous women's cooperatives across various sectors of activity. This type of cooperative has progressively assumed a significant role within the cooperative landscape of the province.

Notably, COPITADAL, established as the inaugural women's cooperative in the province of Alhoceima in 2002, serves as an exemplary model of successful cooperatives. It demonstrates exceptional proficiency in various aspects, such as adherence to cooperative regulations, effective governance, substantial production capacity, and the consistent quality of its products. Consequently, COPITADAL has achieved noteworthy distinctions, including the National Label of Crafts, participation in national and international exhibitions and fairs, and the acquisition of prestigious awards. These accolades encompass the "Best Regional Cooperative" prize in 2008 and the "Lala Al Moutaaouina" award in 2021. Furthermore, it holds the distinction of being the first cooperative to obtain the the Moroccan Standards Institute (IMANOR) certificate for mask production during the Covid-19 pandemic and has received the Madaef Eco-6 award.

It is imperative to highlight that COPITADAL cooperative has received support from various entities, including the Northern Development Agency (APDN) and the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH), along with guidance and assistance from the provincial directorate of handicrafts and the Office of Cooperation Development.

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AL-IKHLASS sewing and embroidery cooperative

Founded in 2006 in Al-Hoceima, the Al-ikhlass sewing and embroidery cooperative is one of the most successful craft cooperatives in terms of innovation and product diversity (children's and adult clothing, ecological bags, etc.), as well as the number of job opportunities it offers to more than 30 women in vulnerable situations.

Thanks to its journey and achievements since its creation; it has been able to enter into several partnerships and has benefited from a multitude of programs and projects aimed at cooperatives and associations, namely The National Initiative for Human Development (INDH); National Mutual Aid; Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts and Social and Solidarity Economy, Office of Cooperation Development (ODCO)...

The cooperative has obtained certificates and attestations including the Moroccan Standards Institute (IMANOR) certificate, TAMAYOZ certificate from the Canadian Academy of Training and Consulting, in addition to its numerous and remarkable participations in regional and national exhibitions and fairs.

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ADNANE agricultural cooperative for goat breeding

The ADNANE agricultural cooperative is the first experiment in the field of goat breeding of the Alpine breed and the production of cheese in the province of Guercif. This cooperative created in 2017; although the beginning of its activity coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic; It currently manages to acquire more than 150 head of goats with an average production of 200 liters/day of milk and derivatives.
Thanks to its ambition and commitment; The ADNANE agricultural cooperative was able to benefit from the technical and financial support of different actors, namely: the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture, the National Office of Agricol Council, the Chamber of Agriculture and the Council of the Oriental Region, in addition to the training sessions supervised by the Office of Cooperation Development (ODCO) delegation of Al-Hoceima.
It should be noted that a cheese production unit is being created according to the quality and hygiene standards required by the National Office of Food Safety (ONSSA) in partnership with the services of the Ministry of Agriculture.

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