Awards Ceremony of “Generation of Solidarity” 3rd edition
  • December 23, 2023
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Awards Ceremony of “Generation of Solidarity” 3rd edition

National Prize "Generation of Solidarity " Award Ceremony 3rd Edition 2023

The third edition of the National  Prize “Generation of Solidarity” 2023 Award: a must-attend event to celebrate solidarity and the commitment of youth cooperatives.

This year, the award ceremony will honor young project leaders of cooperatives and youth cooperatives that have demonstrated commitment and innovation in their initiatives. The awarded projects will be those that have a significant impact on economic, social, and environmental fronts.

An opportunity for inspiration

The award ceremony will be an opportunity to discover innovative and inspiring projects led by passionate young individuals. It will also serve as a meeting point for stakeholders in the social and solidarity economy.

Save the date – December 26th!

We look forward to welcoming you for this memorable day dedicated to solidarity, commitment, and inspiration.